…but to so many in the mainstream media, and to so many on social media it was just like, jokes. Like, omg heehee he’s a clown a joke insert sarcasm witty take this is performance stop taking it so seriously omg etcetera. And now we see. Insurrection. Lack of preparation. “Kid glove” treatment of pro-Prez mob. Nooses on the West Front of the Capitol. Confederate-flag-wielding mob bum-rushing the U.S. Capitol as lawmakers began counting electoral college votes. All this on the day after Georgia voters changed the game by sending two new Democratic senators to Washington. Folks are out here calling the mob “unhinged, when, while it looked chaotic, it felt (as I tweeted) coordinated. Especially as there were other disruptions on Wednesday, including in Denver, at the statehouse in Kansas, the statehouse in Ohio, and the statehouse in New Mexico. At the Governor’s mansion in Washington State, a mob was armed, and in a standoff with law enforcement. Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr had thought:
By the way, that’s Stacey Abrams up top. Her Fair Fight is here. Her books are here. A brief history of black women organizing is here. Abrams and organizers like Nsé Ufot are the champions of this moment. People that stand for, and work for good. There is good in this world. There is a good “side”. And we’re on it. But the truth is, if we don’t stay engaged and working for that good? Well, we see the situation we find ourselves in right now.
Speaking for myself, I along with millions of others, am on “lockdown.” COVID stays creeping. The blocks are “closed.” We can’t comfortably see loved ones. Fools are trampling the spaces they revered before we had a Black President. And people are hurting — in need of food and health care and jobs. But even as terrorists are calling from inside the house, I can’t move in fear. I gotta work and create and be involved. We can’t live scared.